Blue is the most popular color in the world. Surveys all around the world reveal that blue is the most favorite color, about 40% of men and 30% of the women said that blue is their favorite color.
Those results can explain the fact that our most popular collections are the one with dominant blue designs. Ocean, anchor, beach and nautical shower curtains are very desirable among our customers.
Why blue? The color of the sky, the sea, our planet earth is two-thirds of blue water. Being related the most to sky and water, blue represents one of the foundations of the world.
Sky and water, oceans and seas are the traditional prints in this section of shower curtains they include some of the most beautiful designs. Blue is the calmest color nature provide us, and it’s very rational for you to try enhancing your shower room peaceful sense with the help of a blue fabric shower curtain.
Blue is the color of peace, and it provides a sense of security. It encourages satisfaction, inspiration, stability, justice and truth, the color of wisdom and trustworthiness. It also claimed that different shades of blue could lower blood pressure.
For me the color blue associated with the best vacation and my favorite hobby, sunny beach. You’re lying on the golden sand, and all you can see is the sky and the mighty ocean in front of you. So obviously, my favorite designs are from beach shower curtain collection.
Renew your bathroom with new fabric shower curtains product is always a tough decision, due to its size and significant appearance, it dominates the whole room vibe and can be capable of changing the entire look and atmosphere. So, picking the right theme and its right color is essential decoration decision, with the help of every color characteristic features you may take the best choice for you and your bathroom.
Here are some of our blue shower curtain designs:
My ideal category for decoration, browse wisely ;)